

Friday 14 March 2014

Rehearsal photographs from week 6

We're getting down to the final performances now:

  • Year 7 and 8 will be sharing their versions of 'How Maui Tamed the Sun' next week (Friday 21st March). 
  • Year 5 and 6 will be performing their plays the following week (Friday 28th March).

Thursday 6 March 2014

A couple of rehearsal pics plus the plan.

Week 5 Rehearsals

Year 7 and 8 boys get into the swing of things with one fairly traditional, and one very modern, rendition of 'How Maui tamed the Sun'.

The Plan!

*  Year 5 and 6 = due to Swimming Sports today ... Week 6 = rehearsals; Week 7 = final dress rehearsals; Week 8 = performance.

*  Year 7 and 8 = Week 6 = final dress rehearsals; Week 7 = performance

Thursday 27 February 2014

Teamwork makes the Dream work!

Some groups are struggling to get everyone participating sensibly ... you've all got the same goal so work together (listen, co-operate, be sensible, do your part) to make it happen for everyone in your group!

Click below to watch:

A good day of Lessons!

Nearly all groups have started putting their play together, and all except two groups arrived with their own script - awesome work those of you who took the time to write your own version of the myth!  

Here are some photos of a rehearsal involving some well organised and focused students ... well done, your play is already looking great!

Thursday 20 February 2014


You must bring your completed 'How Maui tamed the Sun' script to Dance Drama next week.  

By now you should have completed all the planning stages - roles assigned, script begun, character development tasks completed, and short dance with prop completed.  

This means we are up to putting it all together with a script read-through in your groups next lesson.  

If you would like me to check your script and/or print and copy it for you email to: prattj@plunket.org.nz before next Friday!

Monday 17 February 2014

Week 3's Lesson = Choreography Challenge

This Friday everybody will work on creating a short dance to put into their play.  You will all be using props ... Maui and his brothers (and/or sisters) and the Sun will be using string or elastic, the village woman will be making and using poi, the village men will be using a 'spear', and the village children will make and use Rakau sticks.

Here are some Youtube links so you can have a look at people dancing with these props.

Elastichttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFQrJAXBbJc (just the start - 1:08)


Poi - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDzN18PZQB4



Scripts must be completed by week 4 of the term (28th February)!!

Last week in class we worked on character development and as part of this you designed a costume for your character.  Don't forget that your job is to find/make/buy your costume items by week 5 of the term (Friday 7th March).

Saturday 8 February 2014

Plot Twists

Here are the plot twists to help make your version of the myth more unique, if your group has their own idea feel free to write that into the script instead but make sure it is appropriate (nothing rude or silly)!!

From Ms Thorpe's class: Lucia, Maddex, Anna, Jaymin, Matthew, Charlotte, Grace, Angel and John.  
From Mr Kendall's class:  Caleb, Jack, Craig, Oliver, Max, Fergus, Ash and Matthew. 
From Mr Mele's class: Lucas, George, Charlize, Melissa, Taylor, Grace, Sophia, Johnny and Jake.  
From Ms Deller's class: Teagan, William, Lauren, Darroch, Walter, Sophie, Ben, Nicholas and Sam.
Your twist = When Maui and his brother spread the snare across the sky they discover that it has somehow been broken along the way and that it now has a large hole in it meaning that it won't be able to hold the sun ... You decide how they fix the hole before the sun rises.

From Ms Thorpe's class: Erin, Ben, Marcus, Naiah, Euan, Angus, Rosa and Freddy.
From Mr Kendall's class: Ben, Hugo, Jack, Thomas, Fergus, Joseph and Sebastian.
From Mr Mele's class: Holly, Grace, David, Ellen, Tom, Hunter, Georgia, Lou Lou and Hannah.
From Ms Deller's class: Molly, Rosemary, William, Thomas, Annabelle, Alfie, Jonty, Linda and Genevieve.
Your twist = The young village boy, wanting to be a heroic warrior follows Maui and his brothers on their journey to the edge of the earth ...  You decide what happens to the village boy.

From Ms Thorpe's class: Mahek, Vinil, Amber, Zame, Ben, Fin, Zophia, Jurgen, Abigail
From Mr Kendall's class: Zach, Dominic, Anthony, Benny, Patrick, Charlie, Josh, Ben and Conor.
From Mr Mele's class: Logan, Oliver, Emma, Flynn, Finn, Jack, Annabelle, Estella, Oliver and Acacia.
From Ms Deller's class: Jack, Jiyaben, Urmi, Georgia, Sophie, Lilli-Rose, Catriona, Angus and Xavier.
Your twist = The Sun decides to bargain with Maui and instead of being intimated by the beating he spits out hot sun rays and demands that Maui hands over his magic jawbone before he will even consider moving slower across the sky ... You decide what Maui does and what the outcome of this decision is.

Friday 7 February 2014

Term One 2014 - 'How Maui tamed the Sun'

To begin this term we're working on a project to turn the Maori myth 'How Maui tamed the Sun' into a play that you will perform to an audience of your peers ... As started in class yesterday, your first task is to assign character roles within your group and to write your script.  Here is the myth for those of you who wanted to copy and paste lines into your script.  I look forward to seeing your plays take shape!

In the beginning of time, in the land of Aotearoa, the sun travelled quickly across the sky.  The days were too short and the nights were too long.  There was very little time for the people to do what they wanted.  The men needed more time to fish and hunt.  The women and children liked to dance with their poi’s and practice stick games but it quickly became too dark to see.  They enjoyed weaving but they could never finish their work.  And, when they had prepared their meals, the sun would go down and they would have to eat in darkness.  The people became unhappy and they grumbled about the days being too short.

“There is no time for weaving, no time for gardening too.  There is no time for cooking; hours of daylight are too few” said one of the village women while her children sat at her legs.
“There is no time for working, no time for hunting too.  There is no time for fishing, when we’re out in the canoe” complained the village women’s husband.
“There is no time for dancing, no time for playing too”. Their daughter said.
 “There is no time for doing all the things we like to do” Their son said.
Another village member who had been listening to all the complaints wondered out loud “If only the days were longer.  We must try and slow down the sun!”

The people of the village asked Maui if he could help them.
“What can we do to lengthen the days?”
 “Maui, can you help us?”
Maui called everyone together and told them of his plan to make the sun slow down.
“I have a plan to catch the sun.  I will need your help.  First I will need some long ropes woven from flax.  Brothers I will need your help too.  Together we will carry the ropes to the edge of the world where the sun sleeps.  We will use the ropes to make a snare and we will catch the sun” Maui said.

Everybody gets to work weaving flax into long ropes for Maui and his brothers to use when taming the sun.  Finally the snare was ready.  Maui and his brothers prepared themselves for the long journey ahead before setting off to the east to where the sun rose each day.  They travelled secretly at night while the sun slept, carrying the flax ropes with them.  They travelled through forests and over mountains until at last they came to the edge of the world.  They spread the snare across the sky so it was easy to catch the sun when it rose.  They hid behind rocks and waited until the day began to dawn.  Maui held his magic jawbone in one hand and the ropes of the snare in the other. 

The Sun begins to rise and Maui calls everyone into action.
“Pull the ropes, quickly pull the ropes.  Hold him brothers while I beat him with my magic jawbone” he yells.
“Let me go, let me go!  You are hurting me!” cries a confused Sun.
The brothers pulled the ropes harder and harder and Maui beat the sun with his magic weapon.  The sun strained and struggled and screamed with pain.
“Stop it!  Let me go!  Why are you hitting me?” bellowed the tortured Sun.
Maui uses his strongest, loudest voice, “You move too quickly across the sky each day.  We cannot see to finish our chores and hobbies.  You must promise to slow down.  Do you promise?

The Sun, wanting nothing but to be free, relents “I promise, I promise, just let me go”.

Maui and his brothers are happy with this.  They release the ropes and watch the sun rise into the morning sky as they head happily back to their village singing the songs of their people. 

From then on, the sun kept its promise and moved slowly across the sky.  The people were glad for now they had time to do all the things they wanted to do.  And to this day, thanks to Maui and his brothers, the sun moves slowly across the sky so that we all can get the things done that we need to.

Term 4 2013 - Year 7 & 8 made a Bollywood inspired music video!

Click on the link below to view the finished product ...

Jai Ho @ Hadlow!


This blog has been created to encourage students to communicate with their teacher, and one another, about their Dance/Drama projects and also to allow them to share their work with family and friends.